Friday, 14 February 2020

Treasure: Staffs

Treasure: Staffs

This post contains all staffs (staves?), including the artifact staffs, from Dungeon Master's Guide for D&D 3.5 converted into GURPS.

Monday, 10 February 2020

Monster: Gas Spore

Monster: Gas Spore

The gas spores are a very specialized form of a fungus that looks exactly like a beholder, but is full of explosive gas with toxic spores that can be harvested (if the gas spore is neutralized without triggering its explosion). No idea why it is listed as an illithid-related monster when it is clearly related to the beholders. In any case, I'll take a break from these monsters.

Sunday, 9 February 2020

Monster: Phycomid

Monster: Phycomid

The phycomid is a yet another fungal monster from the old D&D edition with a yet another variant of spore infection. To be honest, they look fine, I like them.

Saturday, 8 February 2020

Monster: Basidirond

Monster: Basidirond

The basidirond is another fungal monster that can either release a line of toxic spores or a cloud of hallucinogenic spores. Fun. I've used those in Pathfinder, if I recall things correctly.

Friday, 7 February 2020

Monster: Ascomoid

Monster: Ascomoid

The ascomoid is a rolling spherical fungus that launches deadly spores. Some old D&D monsters, like this one, are weird, but interesting and charming in a peculiar way.

Thursday, 6 February 2020

Hazards: Extra Fungi and Flux Slime

Hazards: Extra Fungi and Flux Slime

This post will detail two fungi that are somehow illithid-related and do not have any statblocks, and the flux slime from the Epic Level Handbook. Just because. The descriptions are taken straight from the d20 SRD and ENWorld's Creature Catalog (when it still existed; I am lucky to have saved everything that was there on my hard drive years ago) and tweaked to fit the GURPS ruleset.

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Monster: Scum Creeper

Monster: Scum Creeper

The scum creeper is a blind large slug that likes to attach to the victim's face and gnaw on it. I believe that they should be encountered in large numbers to pose danger.

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Monster: Slithering Tracker

Monster: Slithering Tracker

Another ooze variant, but this time a bit more interesting. The slithering tracker stalks its prey until it is asleep or immobilized, then paralyzes it with its secretions and drains the body of plasma.

Monday, 3 February 2020

Monster: Mustard Jelly

Monster: Mustard Jelly

A variant of the ochre jelly that loses its ability to cling to walls, but gains electricity resistance, magic resistance, and a poisonous aura.

Sunday, 2 February 2020

Monster: Crystal Ooze

Monster: Crystal Ooze

Pretty much gray ooze, but with water dependency. I can see why this monster didn't survive the edition transition.