Tuesday 23 April 2024

Karilan: New Aventus

Karilan: New Aventus

Several months ago, I contemplated developing my setting not in breadth, but in depth, i.e. focus on one nation and try describing it in more detail. The main goal was more of a challenge to myself - can I do this? Do I have it in me? After all, to write good, you have to learn how to write bad first, there's no way to do it without practice. So, I decide to focus on the nation of New Aventus - one of the major human nations of Karilan. What's difficult about it is that it's purposefully generic - this is just your good old mostly benevolent human kingdom with nobles, peasants, knights, and all your traditional faux-medieval stuff. And it's big, which means that there are many provinces, cities, etc. that require at least brief descriptions. If I chose something more interesting and small, I'd probably achieve better results, because writing lots of generic stuff is pretty difficult. However, as I was in the process of writing it, I sprinkled in some fun stuff here and there, and the final result is much less generic than it initially was. Also, Aventians ended up being jerks to many other human nations, but I don't mind that. Of course, as always, this is not the final version, and it will be updated. You can always find the most recent publically available setting material in the Karilan Setting Documents post.

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