Wednesday 22 March 2023

Malediction Buffs: Example

Malediction Buffs: Example

In my previous post, I suggest a different way of making sorcery buffs, something that is more granular but also more intuitive. Let's take one buff spell and see how much its variants will cost. Just something of a comparison.

As an example, let's use Strengthen Will because it is both a leveled spell and a spell with an additional limitation that makes it only affect sapient beings.

Strengthen Will
Keywords: Buff.
Full Cost: 16 points for level 1 + 5 points/additional level.
Casting Roll: None. Use Innate Attack (Gaze) to aim.
Range: 100 yards.
Duration: 3 minutes.

You increase the target’s Will by 1 per level of this spell for 3 minutes. This spell only affects sapient (IQ 6+) creatures.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Only on sapient beings, -10%; Advantage, Strengthen Will, +50%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Increased 1/2D, 10x, +15%; No Signature, +20%; Sorcery, -15%) [16]. Additional levels add further Strengthen Will to the Advantage enhancement (+50%) [+5]. Note: Each level of “Strengthen Will” is Will 1 (Magical, -10%) [5].

Now, let's make four different "levels." Since the spell already has levels, I will have to name these new levels something else - "Self", "Touch", "Short-Range" and the normal one. First, let's make the normal version.

Strengthen Will
Keywords: Buff.
Full Cost: 28 points for level 1 + 5 points/additional level.
Casting Roll: Will
Range: Unlimited
Duration: 3 minutes.

You increase the target’s Will by 1 per level of this spell for 3 minutes. This spell only affects sapient (IQ 6+) creatures.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Only nonvolitional or non-resisting subjects, -20%; Accessibility, Only on sapient beings, -10%; Advantage, Strengthen Will, +50%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Malediction 2, +150%; No Signature, +20%; Sorcery, -15%) [28]. Additional levels add further Strengthen Will to the Advantage enhancement (+50%) [+5]. Note: Each level of “Strengthen Will” is Will 1 (Magical, -10%) [5].

As you can see, the spell became a bit more expensive, but not significantly. Now it also works more like a proper spell - you make a Will roll penalized by normal range penalties - no attack rolls needed, DR has no effect, Magic Resistance still penalizes your roll, and you can even use it underwater or on insubstantial beings. The target does not have to resist - the rules for Beneficial Afflictions (p. P40) say that Maledictions become unopposed rolls, and any target that does not want to be buffed resists automatically - this is why shifting the attribute from HT to Will isn't even necessary, even though this seems like more of a "mental" spell. Now let's make weaker versions.

Strengthen Will (Short-Range)
Keywords: Buff.
Full Cost: 23 points for level 1 + 5 points/additional level.
Casting Roll: Will (-1/yard)
Range: Unlimited
Duration: 3 minutes.

You increase the target’s Will by 1 per level of this spell for 3 minutes. This spell only affects sapient (IQ 6+) creatures.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Only nonvolitional or non-resisting subjects, -20%; Accessibility, Only on sapient beings, -10%; Advantage, Strengthen Will, +50%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Malediction 1, +100%; No Signature, +20%; Sorcery, -15%) [23]. Additional levels add further Strengthen Will to the Advantage enhancement (+50%) [+5]. Note: Each level of “Strengthen Will” is Will 1 (Magical, -10%) [5].

This is a simple downgrade - I replaced Malediction 2, +150% with Malediction 1, +100%. Let's go even further down the range ladder.

Strengthen Will (Touch)
Keywords: Buff.
Full Cost: 20 points for level 1 + 5 points/additional level.
Casting Roll: Will. Use DX or unarmed combat skill to hit.
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 minutes.

You increase the target’s Will by 1 per level of this spell for 3 minutes. This spell only affects sapient (IQ 6+) creatures.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Only nonvolitional or non-resisting subjects, -20%; Accessibility, Only on sapient beings, -10%; Advantage, Strengthen Will, +50%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Malediction 1, +100%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; No Signature, +20%; Sorcery, -15%) [20]. Additional levels add further Strengthen Will to the Advantage enhancement (+50%) [+5]. Note: Each level of “Strengthen Will” is Will 1 (Magical, -10%) [5].

Now it's a touch spell that still works like a Malediction - a Will roll is required, but it is not affected by DR.

Strengthen Will (Self)
Keywords: Buff.
Full Cost: 9 points for level 1 + 5 points/additional level.
Casting Roll: None.
Range: Self
Duration: 3 minutes.

You increase your Will by 1 per level of this spell for 3 minutes.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Self Only, -50%; Advantage, Strengthen Will, +50%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Sorcery, -15%) [9]. Additional levels add further Strengthen Will to the Advantage enhancement (+50%) [+5]. Note: Each level of “Strengthen Will” is Will 1 (Magical, -10%) [5].

This is the weakest form of this spell that can only affect you. Note that I have removed Malediction (you don't have to roll anything to cast it now), No Signature (there is no visible projectile or other effect - you only buff yourself and it is obvious), and both Accessibilities (you are assumed to be both sapient and non-resisting).

Now, I feel that the Malediction buffs work more intuitively, streamlined, and more like proper spells. And no underwater nonsense as well. Finally, if we include these downgraded versions, we provide the player an opportunity to save points and gradually improve some of his spells with earned points. Sure, the "full" version of the buff becomes more expensive, but if it is takes as an alternative ability, it is merely 2 points more expensive. Also, since now there is a casting roll, you can remove Fixed Duration and make the duration depend on your margin of success. I like it a lot!

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