Friday 12 July 2024

Move and Ready and All-Out Ready

Move and Ready and All-Out Ready

This has been bothering me for a while, so I decided to make two new maneuvers for my games. Initially, I wanted to also have Committed Ready and Defensive Ready, but I thought that deez two should be enough for most of the cases. No need to overcomplicate things.

All-Out Ready: You take a Ready maneuver, making no effort to defend against enemy attacks. If the action in question requires a roll, such as a setup maneuver for a technique or readying an item while grappling, then you get +4 to DX-based rolls or +2 to ST-based rolls.

Movement: You may remain stationary, turn in place to face any hex, or run forward. If you turn or move forward, you may perform the desired action at any point during or after the move. If you move forward, you may move up to two hexes or expend movement points equal to half your Move (round up), whichever is more, and may not change facing at the end of your move.

Active Defense: None! You may make no active defenses between when you take this maneuver and your next turn.

Move and Ready: Move as described for the Move maneuver, but also take one poorly coordinated action from ones listed under the Ready maneuver. This requires a DX-2 roll; failure means you fail to perform the Ready action, but still suffer the defensive penalties for this maneuver. Failure by 5+ or a critical failure means that you drop the object you were readying, spill the potion you were trying to drink, or fumble your action in a similar way. If the Ready action was to turn an ability on or off, then make a Will-2 roll instead.

Movement: You receive movement points equal to your current Move score – but trying to do two things at once gives you 2 on all rolls to avoid falling down, and to avoid obstacles or traps.

Active Defense: Any – but you cannot parry or block with the object you’ve just readied, and you cannot retreat.


  1. can you do a article about about the pantheon of faerun, and other about pathfinder bestiary 4's slag giant

    1. I'm not sure what I can write about the Faerunian pantheon that hasn't been written on the Forgotten Realms wiki. As for the slag giant, I probably can do it in the near future.
