Friday 5 July 2024

Wilderness Exploration Procedure

Wilderness Exploration Procedure

Lately, I've been reading ACKS II Judge's Journal, and I can say that I highly recommend this book - it's a great resource regardless of what system you're playing. One thing it made me realize is how useful it can be to have a clearly written sequence of actions required to resolve a particular task. For example, the book has sequential procedures for dungeon exploration, wilderness expeditions, trading, etc. Why not do that in GURPS? The obvious answer is that every GURPS game is different and uses different rules. However, you can do that for your specific game, and that should make things more simple. Let's try writing a wilderness exploration sequence for a game ran my way. This is not a mandatory sequence, but something of a checklist that sometimes may require changing or can be ignored altogether.

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Addendum to GURPS Meta-Tech Review

Addendum to GURPS Meta-Tech Review

Earlier this morning, a wrote a review of GURPS Meta-Tech with my first impressions. Almost all my free time today was spent thinking about the book and reading some parts more thoroughly. And you know what? My opinion actually worsened.

Review: GURPS Meta-Tech

Review: GURPS Meta-Tech

GURPS Meta-Tech is finally out! I was excited for this book, but I did have my worries. In short, I’m both pleasantly surprised and disappointed. The book was written by Christopher Rice who has a broad range of writing quality – he wrote some of the best Pyramid articles but he also wrote GURPS Realm Management. The book also had the same questionable “marketing strategy” as GURPS Realm Management, which was one of my reasons to start worrying – I’ve already got burned once. So, let’s actually open the book and see what it is about.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

GURPS-ACKS Conversions: Why?

GURPS-ACKS Conversions: Why?

You probably noticed that lately I’ve been interested in ACKS – Adventurer, Conqueror, King System, and that I’ve even written some conversion notes. I have been asked a question – why am I doing this? Here, I’d like to give an extended answer.