Wizardry: Draconomicon Spells I
Draconomicon is one of my favorite D&D 3.5 books, so let's convert some of the spells from it to wizardry. After glancing through the list, I know that I'll have to skip many of them because they just either don't make sense in GURPS or would be inappropriate in my setting. Also, you have to keep in mind that spells in that book are split into two sections - one for player characters, and one for dragons. Let's do the character spells first.
Antimagic Ray is a short-duration spell that dispels ongoing effects, makes the target immune to magic, and suppresses magical abilities. This is a double-edged sword, I like this one.
Cheat is a cantrip based on a Probability Alteration perk from GURPS Psionic Powers.
Cloak of Bravery is, I believe, the first "aura" type effect.
Contingent Energy Resistance gives you DR against the first energy type you are attacked with.
Dragonsight is a buff spell that gives you Infravision and Night Vision 7.
Earthbind is a spell that disables the target's ability to fly. That's actually a very powerful effect.
Entice Gift is a cool spell that forces the subject to give you whatever it is holding.
Flight of the Dragon is cheaper and faster to cast than Overland Flight, but has more limitations.
Hide from Dragons is an expensive spell that is nonetheless powerful in highly specific situations.
Lower Spell Resistance lowers Magic Resistance. The original spell ignores SR, but doing that in GURPS would've made this spell way too expensive to be worth it.
Miser's Envy is another interesting mind control spell that compels the subject to obtain a certain object.
Scale Weakening is a specialized, but reasonably powerful and cheap spell that lowers DR.
Shield of Warding is a very useful spell that uses rules from Shields Up!
Suppress Breath Weapon mentally compels a creature to avoid using its breath weapon.