Sunday 27 October 2024

Wizardry: Food Spells II

Wizardry: Food Spells II

I've been neglecting one of my favorite GURPS Magic colleges, and that is the College of Food. It may seem silly to many, but in my opinion, this is an extremely welcome addition and the most unD&D things that Magic has. It does provide genuine utility both in downtime and in adventuring situations, and I definitely can see why some wizards would like to learn some of these spells from the in-universe standpoint. From a point of view of an actual player, I will try to make these spells cheap enough to be used with normal improvisation.
I do not recall any such spells in D&D books, but if I'm mistaken, feel free to call me a midwit in the comments.
Cook is a spell that lets you save time and effort with cooking. I'd love to know this spell.
Decay is a spell for jerks.
Distill concentrates a liquid, just in case you want a stronger alcoholic beverage.
Far-Smelling was decoupled from Far-Tasting. *snifffffffffffffffffff* Quite pungent indeed! Technically speaking, this should have been an Indefinite spell, but I made it instantaneous because I can. The most important thing here is to spell this spell's name correctly.
Far-Tasting can be used to identify potions and poisons without actually drinking the liquid in question or even without opening the container.
Hunger is a fatigue attack spell. Its Thirst counterpart is not present as it's covered by Horrid Wilting.
Know Recipe can be a useful spell not only for chefs, but also for alchemists.
Mature gave me a lot of food for thought, pun unindended. Back in the day, I made this spell as an expensive Affliction that afflicts Unaging with Age Control. Now, at first I thought I'd do it via Control as per GURPS Powers: The Weird, but that would be way too expensive. Instead, I went with the simplest option available - Create. Now, you simply transform food/drink into matured food/drink. Simple, cheap, and exactly what the original spell in GURPS Magic does.
Monk's Banquet lets you circumvent the need for sustenance entirely.
Poison Food is a rather expensive delayed damage spell.
Prepare Game can be quite useful, carefully separating a slain animal into meat, bones, skin, etc. for cooking and crafting. In addition, the spell does it 60 times faster than you'd be able to do it manually.
Preserve Food has shorter duration than its GURPS Magic counterpart. Since I'm making these spells for my games, this one incorporates a houserule that makes Unaging cost 5 points instead of 15. If you're not using this rule, increase the cost by 9 points, or pretend that this is Immunity to Rot [5].
Season can enhance (or worsen) an existing meal's flavor.
Seek Food is much more expensive, but it can be very useful even in adventuring situations. Even more useful to predatory casters.
Test Food is a crucial spell for court wizards.
Water to Wine does exactly that - turns water to wine.

Friday 25 October 2024

Druidic Spells: Complete Arcane Spells

Druidic Spells: Complete Arcane Spells

And here we have a bunch of spells from Complete Arcane adapted for druids.
Wood Rot is the only druid-exclusive new spell that is a simple corrosion touch attack that only works against wooden objects and plant creatures.

Thursday 24 October 2024

Wizardry: Complete Arcane Spells IX

Wizardry: Complete Arcane Spells IX

It's time to finish this book.
Transmute Rock to Lava transforms merely one hex of rock to lava. This still has a potential to deal a lot of damage, but the dissipation rate from the center is fast, and the duration is very long.
Unluck doesn't afflict the target with Unluckiness, but prevents it from using Luck and gives a -1 penalty to most rolls. Temporary attribute penalties in GURPS always felt off to me. You can afflict the target with -4 to DX, but it will not affect parries. And I think that the rules concerning this are inconsistent with other rules that impose penalties. Usually, I ignore the active defense part. Here, I decided to add Task Modifier, Broad Range, -1 to Active Defenses, +20% from GURPS Meta-Tech (it did appear in a very late Pyramid issue before that too). Why is it only +20%? Seems that it should be at least +30% because Defense Bonus costs 30 points, but this doesn't take into account power defenses. Ah well, who cares.
Vitriolic Sphere is an acid variant of Fireball (it actually works a little bit differently in the original source).
Wall of Bones conjures a semi-permeable barrier of sharp bones.
Wall of Gloom is Deeper Darkness in a wall form.
Withering Palm is a necromantic spell that weakens the victim.

Wednesday 23 October 2024

Wizardry: Complete Arcane Spells VIII

Wizardry: Complete Arcane Spells VIII

Resonating Bolt is a sonic line attack spell.
Ring of Blades surrounds you with a ring of orbiting blades.
Secret Signs is actually a pretty cool spell. It allows you to transmit a message non-verbally, but is more limited than proper telepathy.
Sign of Sealing creates a magical explosive lock on a door or object.
Sphere of Ultimate Destruction creates a mini black hole that disintegrates anything it touches.
Spirit Binding is a more limited variant of Planar Binding. More likely to be used by shamans than wizards.
Spirit Needle is a bit convoluted, but I think it's very cool, even if expensive. I feel that this spell is based on some Oriental myth, but I cannot confirm that. Anyway, this is a metal spell that can hinder incorporeal creatures, which is nice.
Spirit Self lets you project your spirit out of your body.
Steam Breath is a simple steam cone attack.
Stony Grasp is a stronger variant of Earthen Grasp that can be cast in rocky areas instead of earthy areas. Only 1 point more expensive.

Tuesday 22 October 2024

Wizardry: Complete Arcane Spells VII

Wizardry: Complete Arcane Spells VII

Otiluke's Dispelling Screen creates a barrier that dispels any magical effect that crosses it.
Pain is a weak and relatively cheap debuff.
Poison Needles is a high RoF spell that deals minor piercing damage and follow-up toxic damage.
Prismatic Ray is a beam attack with a random damage type.
Programmed Amnesia is basically identical to Mental Surgery from GURPS Psionic Powers. In D&D, this is a 9th-level spell, but here it costs only 20 points. Interesting.
Protection from Charm is a buff that protects from compulsion effects.
Rain of Needles is a quite weak area attack spell.
Reciprocal Gyre is an interesting spell that deals damage based on the number of buffs or debuffs affecting the target. In GURPS, you are unlikely to have more than a couple of them, so it shouldn't get out of hand. I had to borrow the Margin-Based enhancement from Affliction and apply it to the entire advantage.
Refusal is a spell that wards an area against spellcasters. No mages allowed!
Repair is a single spell instead of all the Repain Minor/Light/Serious/etc. Damage spells. Healing by RAW cannot work on inanimate objects. I found a forum post that introduces new modifiers to be able to do that, but that leaves out constructs that count as animate beings. Thus, I decided to go for a +50% modifier to cover both of them, I think that works fine.

Monday 21 October 2024

Wizardry: Complete Arcane Spells VI

Wizardry: Complete Arcane Spells VI

Boy, this book sure has many spells, even if you filter out the ones you don't want.
Kiss of the Toad is a poison touch spell that requires a toad tattoo. This is a limitation because the tattoo can be removed either by mundane means or with the Erase spell.
Leomund's Hidden Lodge is a variant of Leomund's Secure Shelter that is protected by an illusion. Costs a character point to reduce the point cost.
Lightning Blade is a lightning variant of Flame Blade.
Low-Light Vision is a buff that lets the subject see better in the dark.
Magnetism is a magnetic tractor beam. Cool stuff, even though the limitation are deep below the -80% cap even despite my increasing the range tenfold compared to the original.
Melt is a more limited variation of Thaw from Frostburn.
Metal Skin turns the subject's skin into metal, providing DR and reducing DX.
Orb of Acid/Cold/Electricity/Fire/Force/Sound are simple missile spells of different flavors. The original spells also have some... strange additional effects that don't make much sense.

Sunday 20 October 2024

Wizardry: Complete Arcane Spells V

Wizardry: Complete Arcane Spells V

Freezing Fog is a cold variant of Incendiary Cloud.
Ghostform is an expensive spell (both in terms of points and FP), but insubstantiality is a very powerful effect, so that's appropriate.
Hail of Stone is a simple area bombardment spell.
Heart of Stone is an interesting spell. At first, I wanted to include a character point cost, but then saw that it can be dispelled like any other spell, so it shouldn't as overpowered as it may seem at first.
Heart Ripper simply tries to rip the target's heart out of its body.
Ice Blast is a cone breath attack that drains FP. Since this is a contact agent, this is an expensive but powerful spell. Also, we're back to converting ice spells!
Ice Knife is a cheap ice missile spell that may produce fragments. Fun stuff.
Illusory Pit is exacrly that - a specialized illusion spell to create pits. Actually, a pretty powerful effect.
Internal Fire is a spell that burns the target from within. Gruesome.
Iron Scarf is the most simple of the scarf spells - it just gives you a melee cutting attack.