Review: SpaceMaster Armored Assault

This is something of a digression from my usual
topics, where I talk about GURPS or D&D. I want to talk about a
book that fascinates me but the one that I haven’t even tried in a
game yet. Aside from tabletop RPGs, I’ve always been interested in
tabletop wargaming. Of course, the most popular thing is Warhammer
40k, but I’m not a big fan of it. I played it with friends through
VASSAL and Tabletop Simulator, and it just… doesn’t play that
well; it feels that the game is decided not on the table, but on army
roster creation. I do find the concept of collecting, building, and
painting miniatures, but without this aspect, the game feels
absolutely hollow to me. A few years ago, I decided to search for a
generic and reasonably crunchy sci-fi wargame. I scoured an
incredibly long list of games on BoardGamesGeek, but most of the
games were either too specialized or too light on the rules. There
was a couple of exceptions, however, and one of them was Spacemaster
Armored Assault.