Sunday 30 October 2016

Powers: Psionic Enchantment

Powers: Psionic Enchantment

Crafting, and crafting of magical items in particular, for me was one of the most confusing things. Enchantment rules from GURPS Magic could only be used for standard magic spells and didn't provide any guidelines beyond that. Then Pyramid #3-46 came out and presented us the Metatronic Generators. Up until the release of GURPS Thaumatology - Sorcery I thought that there's nothing better than the Metatronic Generators. By statting up some magical items both as Metatronic Generators and as Sorcery items (using spells or simply the advantages I wanted) I came to a conclusion that magical items made using the Sorcery enchantment system generally are more expensive, which could be a good thing if you want to make magic items rare. But what about psionic items? Here's my take on psionic enchantment using Sorcery as a basis:

Psionic Enchantment – 37 points
Skill: Psionic Enchantment (IQ/Hard).

See Chapter 3 of GURPS Thaumatology – Sorcery for details on this ability and enchanting items in general. This ability itself cannot be enchanted into an item! This ability cannot be part of any psionic power. The enchanter must know the ability he is enchanting into an item. Roll Psionic Enchantment instead of IQ during the enchanting process and add the Talent of the power of the ability being enchanted.
The enchanting psi transfers a part of his skill into the item, but he cannot transfer skill level higher than his own. For example, if the psi knows Mental Stab 2 [43] and Mental Stab (H) Will+1 [8]-13, then he can enchant the item with Mental Stab 2 [43] and Mental Stab (H) Will+1 [8], Mental Stab 1 [33] and Mental Stab (H) Will+0 [4], but not with Mental Stab 3 [52] or Mental Stab (H) Will+2 [12]. The user of the item uses the enchanted item’s skill, but bases it on his own attribute, not on the enchanter’s attribute.
Additional form multipliers Requires Sorcery and Requires Sorcery (Full Prerequisites) are replaced with:
Requires Psi*: Only a character with any psionic abilities can use this item. -0,05 to the multiplier.
Requires Psi (Full Prerequisites)*: As above, but the character must have a number of points spent on psionic abilities and skills of the power of the ability enchanted into the item equal to the full cost of all enchanted abilities and skills or more.  -0.10 to the multiplier.
*These cannot be combined.
In all other aspects this ability is identical to the Enchant spell and the process of magical enchanting.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (Accessibility, Only to build psionic  items, 40%; Based on IQ, Own Roll, +20%; Cumulative, +400%; Extended Duration, Truly Permanent, +300%; Limited Use, 1/day, 40%; Melee Attack, Reach C, 30%; Psi, 10%; Special Enhancements, see GURPS Thaumatology - Sorcery, p. 31, +1,080%) [36] + Extra Option (Limited access to meditative study for enchanting) [1]. Note: The actual cost of 178 points is divided by five due to this ability being character-point powered.

Let's also introduce a perk

Psionic Enchantment Recipe [1]
Despite not being able to use many psionic abilities, psionic artificers can create various psionic items with the Psionic Enchantment ability. Each “recipe” is a perk. For example, a psionic artificer can create a dorje of Mental Blow if he has the Psionic Enchantment Recipe (Mental Blow) perk. The ability’s full cost must be equal or lower than the amount of points spent on Psionic Enchantment and its skill. If the ability has levels, the psionic artificer is allowed to imbue an item with the ability of any level without taking a separate perk, but only while the condition described above is met. The level of skill imbued cannot be higher than the artificer's Psionic Enchantment skill.

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