Monday 4 November 2024

Wizardry: Complete Divine Spells I

Wizardry: Complete Divine Spells I

I've just finished selectively adapting spells from Complete Arcane, but there is another major book - Complete Divine. While this one does have some spells for wizard, it has many more spells for clerics and druids that just won't work as arcane spells in terms of flavor. Thus, it's time to give divine spellcasters some love.
Anger of the Noonday Sun creates a blinding flash centered on you that also damages undead and oozes. In Complete Divine, this is an exlusive druidic spell, but I feel that it's a perfect Sun domain cleric spell.
Beast Claws gives you claws.
Beget Bogun is a highly specific spell to animate a bogun - something like a druidic homunculus.
Blast of Force is an invisible force beam attack.
Body of the Sun is another Sun domain cleric spell that lets you emanate light for a short time.
Bolt of Bedevilment (singular) is a beam spell that may daze the target.
Bolt of Glory is a beam spell that damages undead, evil outsiders, and Negative Energy Plane natives.
Briar Web is a version of Entangle that doesn't work underwater but also deals minor impaling damage if the grappled victim moves or struggles. It's also one point cheaper, so it's an objectively better choice unless you want to venture underwater.
Castigate is a verbal rebuke that causes pain to creatures not of your alignment or deafens those of your alignment. Mostly useful against outsiders and divine spellcasters.
Chain of Eyes is a pretty cool spell. I felt lazy, so I just slapped Cosmic on the advantage and called it a day.