Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Treasure: Feather Tokens

Treasure: Feather Tokens

Each of these items is a small feather that has a power to suit a special need. The kinds of tokens are described below. Each token is usable once.

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Treasure: Dusts

Treasure: Dusts

Dungeon Master's Guide for D&D 3.5 has a surprising number of magical dusts. Here's my attempt at converting them to GURPS.

Monday, 15 April 2019

Ultra-Tech: KYOS and Powered Armor

Ultra-Tech: KYOS and Powered Armor

Knowing Your Own Strength from Pyramid #3-83 fits very well with ultra-tech games. Powered armor provides bonuses to Striking ST and Lifting ST. When using Knowing Your Own Strength, these bonuses must be recalculated using the guidelines in the article. Here's the result.

Saturday, 13 April 2019

Treasure: Mantles and Robes

Treasure: Mantles and Robes

This post details conversions of mantles and robes from Dungeon Master's Guide for D&D 3.5.

Friday, 12 April 2019

Treasure: M-Items

Treasure: M-Items

And here we have assorted items from Dungeon Master's Guide for D&D 3.5 that start with an "M" and cannot be put in any other meaningful category.

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Treasure: D-Items

Treasure: D-Items

Here we have three magic items from Dungeon Master's Guide for D&D 3.5 that start with a "D" and cannot be grouped with any others based on their function, shape, or anything else.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Treasure: Balls and Cubes

Treasure: Balls and Cubes

Here we have several scrying devices and cubic magical items.

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Treasure: Gems and Stones

Treasure: Gems and Stones

Here we have six more magic items from Dungeon Master's Guide for D&D 3.5. And a new sorcery spell.

Monday, 8 April 2019

Treasure: Musical Instruments

Treasure: Musical Instruments

Let's take a break from converting monsters despite the next monsters on the list being ones of my favorites. Here I tackle on magical musical instruments from Dungeon Master's Guide for D&D 3.5. One of the items here only has 10 uses. A single use item has a x0.2 cost/form multiplier, while Limited Uses, 1/day is -40%. I think we can determine the multipliers for other numbers of uses in the same way. Thus, a multiplier for 10 uses will be x0.8, double that of Limited Uses, 10/day.

Monsters: Swarms

Monsters: Swarms

Swarms of small creatures often require special rules in any RPG system. In GURPS, swarms and hordes usually are represented with Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) with appropriate enhancements from GURPS Powers and/or GURPS Horror. Rules on fighting swarms are described on p. B461, while GURPS Zombies has something extra for them. The rules on p. B461 assume statblock-less swarms, while I have found only a single pre-written statblock for a swarm that uses slightly different rules - the insect swarm from GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 5 - Allies, p. 9. Monster Manual for D&D 3.5 has several swarms. One of them - the locust swarm - can use the aforementioned statblock. Two others - spider and centipede swarms - can use the aforementioned statblock, but remove Flight. The rest - rat, bat, and hellwasp swarms - will require more significant changes.

Saturday, 6 April 2019

Monsters: Medusas

Monsters: Medusas

Medusas are well-known mythological monsters. There is already a medusa template in GURPS Banestorm, but it must be somewhat modified to represent the D&D medusa. It is typically assumed that all medusas (medusae?) are female, but in D&D they have both sexes, but with a very significant sexual dimorphism. Thus, here I also present a template for the male medusa, also known as the maedar, and its second form.

Friday, 5 April 2019

Monsters: Manticores

Monsters: Manticores

There are several variants of the manticore described in GURPS - one in GURPS Fantasy and a few others in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 3 - Born of Myth and Magic. I've always loved manticores, they are perfect fantasic, but not too much, monsters. Here I describe four other variants - the D&D manticore that can only flick barbs, a scorpicore from Heroes of Might and Magic III with a venomous stinger that paralyzed its victim, a wingless and poisonless minicore from Might and Magic VII, and the man-eater from Dominions 5 that combines the manticore and the scorpicore and adds some extra scary stuff.

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Monster: Magmin

Monster: Magmin

Magmins are small fire elementals that radiate such intense heat that it might set clothes on fire, melt metal, and incinerate most incoming arrows. Making Things Burn, p. B433, must be at hand when fighitng this monster.