Wednesday 27 December 2017

Alchemy: Additional Elixirs

Alchemy: Additional Elixirs

GURPS Magic is not the only source of published elixirs. There are several more in Pyramid #3-28. Alchemical Ink makes ink resistant to removal. Potion of Animal Friendship makes the subject more appealing to animals. Potion of Celerity accelerates the subject. Potion of Combustion burns the subject from within.

Alchemical Ink
This colorless ointment, when applied to ink writing, makes it immune to being leeched out by liquids if used on paper but can be scrubbed off a harder surface given enough time (usually an hour per 100 words). One dose is enough to cover 1,000 words’ worth of information.
Duration: Permanent.
Form: Ointment.
Cost: $330 (singular); $120 (5-batched).
Recipe: $33; 1 day; defaults to Alchemy-2.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Accessibility, Only on ink, -80%; Advantage, Alchemical Ink, +50%; Extended Duration, Permanent, +90%; Magical, -10%; Ointment, -45%) [11]. Notes: «Alchemical Ink» is Immunity to Leeching Out (Magical, -10%) [5]. Extended Duration costs only 90%, because the Ointment meta-enhancement already includes Extended Duration, 30x, +60%.

Potion of Animal Friendship
This green potion grants the subject the Animal Empathy (p. B40) advantage.
Duration: 1 hour.
Form: Potion.
Cost: $360 (singular); $130 (5-batched).
Cost (Herbal): $288 (singular); $105 (5-batched).
Recipe: $36; 1 day; defaults to Alchemy-2.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Potion of Animal Friendship, +50%; Magical, -10%; Potion, -25%) [12]. Notes: «Potion of Animal Friendship» is Animal Empathy (Magical, -10%) [5].

Potion of Celerity
This white potion makes the subject extraordinarily fast. This grants him the Altered Time Rate 1 advantage (p. B38). When the effect ends, the subject instantly loses 6 FP.
Duration: 10 seconds.
Form: Potion.
Cost: $2,220 (singular); $800 (5-batched).
Recipe: $222; 28 days; defaults to Alchemy-8.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Potion of Celerity, +750%; Magical, -10%; Potion, -25%; Reduced Duration, 1/10, -80%) [74]. Notes: «Potion of Celerity» is Altered Time Rate 1 (Aftermath, Costs 6 FP, -15%; Magical, -10%) [75]. Reduced Duration costs -80% because the Potion meta-enhancement already includes Extended Duration, 30x, +60%.

Potion of Combustion
This red potion causes the subject to burn from within, taking 1d-1 burning damage each second for 10 seconds. Only internal DR protects. Each second the subject may resist the damage by making a successful HT roll. If the roll is a critical success, then the effect stops. If the subject loses ½ of his HP or more to this potion, he begins experiencing terrible pain (B428) until he is healed above this threshold. Once the subject dies from this potion, his body bursts into flame and burns until only a little pile of ashes remains.
Duration: 10 seconds.
Form: Potion.
Cost: $720 (singular); $260 (5-batched).
Recipe: $72; 3 days; defaults to Alchemy-3.
Statistics: Burning Attack 1d-1 (HT; Based on HT, +20%; Cyclic, 1 second interval, 9 seconds, Resistible, +450%; Magical, -10%; Potion, No Extended Duration, -85%; Symptoms, ½ HP, Terrible Pain, +120%) [24].

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