Monster: Palimpsest
Another requested conversion. The palimpsest is a weird AD&D monster - an animated sheet of paper/parchment that clings onto you, absorbs your life force, and prevents your resurrection. It's one of those monsters that straddles the line between "dumb" and "cool," but I think that the cool factor outweighs the dumbness.
Unlike most constructs, this one is sapient, even if barely. It can deliver deep paper cuts, but the main attack mode is camouflaging in a library, then grappling an unaware target and initiating its Leech. But you know, there are some counterintuitive resistances and weaknesses here. What would you do to defeat a paper monster? Burn or cut it, right? Yeah, but the palimpsest is actually resistant to fire and cutting damage (in the source material it was immune to fire and cutting). But, for some reason, it is vulnerable to electricity. You can even release absorbed victims with a good lightning blast. Your characters better have some knowledge skills to even be aware of these weaknesses and resistances.
Typically, building 2D or almost-2D monsters requires using the Shadow Form advantage or disadvantage. Since this is a constantly thin creature, and not someone who can become two-dimensional, I would have to apply the disadvantageous version of Shadow Form. But since I want the palimpsest to remain a physical creature that can interact with other physical objects and creatures, I would have to add something like a variant of Blessed (Ghost Weapon). Also, it can move in 3D space, so I would have to add both Finite Thickness and 3-D Movement to the disadvantage, which would turn it into a -26-point disadvantage (and +15 points for the variant of Blessed). So, that's -11 points for a slightly increased wounding multiplier for cutting damage (from x1.5 to x2) and the ability to pass through think cracks. And you have to remember that the palimpsest is supposed to be resistant to cutting. So, this does not sounds like a disadvantage at all. Instead of doing all this Shadow Form + Blessed stuff, I will just go the simple way - the fact that the palimpsest is thin and can pass through thin cracks is represented by Double-Jointed and Invertebrate. See? It's much less convoluted now, but the effect is the almost the same.