Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Treasure: Cold-Resistant Armor

Treasure: Cold-Resistant Armor

Continuing on with elemental-resistant armor. Medium Layered Cloth Armor of Cold Resistance can protect against nasty cold spells. Light Plate Full Helm of Improved Cold Resistance ended up being very expensive, because there's no "head" hit location, so you have to represent head DR as face DR + skull DR. Heater Shield of Greater Cold Resistance is useful when fighting white dragons.

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Treasure: Fire-Resistant Armor

Treasure: Fire-Resistant Armor

Here we have some more elemental-resistant armor. Medium Segmented Gauntlets of Fire Resistance are useful when handling hot objects. Light Medium Shield of Improved Fire Resistance is useful when fighting a fire-breathing dragon. Heavy Plate Armor of Greater Fire Resistance is proofed even against light laser weaponry.

Monday, 29 January 2018

Treasure: Acid-Resistant Armor

Treasure: Acid-Resistant Armor

I haven't made any treasure posts in a while, and I think it's as good of a time as any, since I'm GMing a TL 3 fantasy game. Typically, when a person thinks of enchanted armor, he either thinks of extra-hard armor or armor enchanted against a particular element. Using Sorcery or Metatronic Generators is more difficult with armor and shields than with other items, because armor is rarely a singular item. I've used premade armor pieces from GURPS Low-Tech - Instant Armor for this. Also, when using Sorcery, I calculated the costs for both indestructible armor/shields and destructible ones, coming up with an appropriate form multiplier using the Gadget limitations. As a result, we have Light Scale Armor of Acid Resistance, Shoes of Improved Acid Resistance, and Kite Shield of Greater Acid Resistance. Useful when fighting against a black dragon, for example.

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Sorcery: Cyclic Elemental Spells

Sorcery: Cyclic Elemental Spells

Here we have several elemental cyclic spells. Adhesive Acid/Electric Burn/Frostburn/Sticky Flame create a projectile that continues to damage the target after the initial strike. Chill Touch is a touch fatigue-damaging spell.

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Monster: Chaos Beast

Monster: Chaos Beast

Chaos beast is an extraplanar monster that is constantly changing its shape. Despite having no stable form, it can only attack with its claws and can only manage two attacks per second, even though it can appear to have dozens of tentacles or other limbs. Its touch can curse the victim with a similar corporeal instability.

Friday, 26 January 2018

Sorcery: Noxious Fire Effects

Sorcery: Noxious Fire Effects

Again, just like Resist Cold, Resist Fire does not count as a protection spell, so it is not included in GURPS Sorcery - Protection & Warning Spells. Mundane noxious fire effects are getting set on fire, sunburn, blindness from tight-beam burning damage to the eyes, and FP loss from extreme heat. The latter steps on the toes of Temperature Tolerance, but I think that it is fair to include it, as Immunity to Noxious Fire effects costs a whopping 10 points. Magical non-damaging noxious fire effects include the following new spells. Sunburn causes the subject to experience pain for a long time. Feverish Visions causes hallucinations. Fate of Oedipus blinds anyone using remote senses on the subject.

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Sorcery: Noxious Cold Effects

Sorcery: Noxious Cold Effects

Let's continue with the elemental noxious effects. Immunity to Noxious Cold Effects should protects the subject from thermal shock and probably from FP loss from cold too. That's stepping on Temperature Tolerance's toes, but I'd allow it. One note: Resist Cold is not technically a protection spell, so it is omitted from GURPS Sorcery - Protection & Warning Spells. The spell is described in Pyramid #3-63, but it simply grants the subject DR against cold attacks. As the Pyramid issue was released earlier, it is safe to assume that Resist Cold should work just like Resist Acid/Lightning/Sound. I made three new spells that should qualify as noxious cold effects. Brittleness makes the subject prone to shattering. Frozen Heart agonizes the victim by freezing his heart. Numbness makes the subject shiver from cold.

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Sorcery: Noxious Acidic Effects

Sorcery: Noxious Acidic Effects

Not long ago I had a discussion with a friend about the Resist (Element) spells from GURPS Sorcery - Protection & Warning Spells. They grant not only DR, but also immunity to appropriate noxious non-damaging effects. The only example of a noxious acidic effect was a hypothetical spell that causes heartburn. This immunity sure does not seem to be worth 10 points, so I have decided to look through some rules, find the noxious effects, and add some new ones. DR degradation from corrosive damage sounds like an appropriate effect, and so it blindness after being splashed acid in the face. The latter can be negated by DR, so it does not really count. Acidic Tears is an irritating acidic spell. Heartburn is the aforementioned example spell. Corrode weakens armor.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Martial Art: Snap, Crackle, and Pop

Martial Art: Snap, Crackle, and Pop

One of my players came up with a neat martial art for halflings to be able to stand up against tall people.

Monday, 22 January 2018

Sorcery: Power Word Spells II

Sorcery: Power Word Spells II

And here we have the last six Power Word spells - Distract, Fatigue, Maladroit, Petrify, Weaken, and the infamous (in D&D) Power Word: Pain.

Sunday, 21 January 2018

Sorcery: Power Word Spells

Sorcery: Power Word Spells

D&D has a set of Power Word spells that are described as a lesser form of truename magic. I already have written up Power Word: Stun in the past, so now I will finish the set. Power Word spells have short duration, are always resisted by Will, and always require magic words.

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Racial Templates: Centaurs

Racial Templates: Centaurs

I've reached the centaur in my Monster Manual conversions, but the centaurs do not feel very monstrous. I decided to convert various centaur-like templates found in D&D splatbooks.

Friday, 19 January 2018

Lens/Monster: Celestial Creature/Celestial Lion

Lens/Monster: Celestial Creature/Celestial Lion

D&D 3.5 has templates that can be applied to creatures to create variations. Lenses in GURPS serve the same purpose, and here we have the first template/lens from Monster Manual - celestial creature. It can be used to create celestial creatures based on existing creatures. The base creature for the lens (lion) was taken from Animalia in GURPS - a great resource that is unfortunately not updated anymore - and tweaked a bit, so you won't have to look up some new advantages from that website.

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Monster: Carrion Crawler

Monster: Carrion Crawler

Carrion crawler is a dungeon-dwelling scavenger that sometimes hunts living creatures, paralyzing them with its tentacles and devouring them. I don't remember if I have ever used these creatures in D&D, but they look very fitting for a generic dungeon monster. Very weak to ranged attacks and high HT characters.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Monster: Bulette

Monster: Bulette

Bulette is a fun and memorable monster from D&D Monster Manual. The bulette, or landshark, tunnels underground and then ambushes its prey, pouncing on it and grabbing it with its powerful jaws. Uneven DR makes the head and top hard to penetrate, but leaves limbs and belly more vulnerable.

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Monster: Bodak

Monster: Bodak

Bodaks are the undead remnants of humanoids who have been destroyed by the touch of absolute evil. I have never seen them as very appealing monsters, but I think a Dragon Magazine article makes them more interesting.

Monday, 15 January 2018

Monster: Blink Dog

Monster: Blink Dog

Blink dogs are intelligent canines with a limited teleportation abilities. Blink dog is an iconic D&D monster that I have used occasionally, but never in GURPS. At least yet.

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Sorcery: Plant Spells XX

Sorcery: Plant Spells XX

And some more plant spells converted from D&D/Pathfinder. Transmute Metal to Wood lets druids create wooden armor from loot. Transport via Plants is a plant-to-plant teleport. Tree Stride is a slightly limited form of Transport via Plants. Wall of Thorns conjures a plant barrier. Awaken Plant imbues a plant with sentience.

Saturday, 13 January 2018

Sorcery: Plant Spells XIX

Sorcery: Plant Spells XIX

Here we have some plant spells from D&D/Pathfinder. Changestaff transforms a staff into a small treant. Control Plants lets the caster dominate a plant creature mentally. Plant Shape lets the caster assume a form of any plant creature. Repel Wood creates a zone that repels wood.

Friday, 12 January 2018

Monster: Bearded Devil (Barbazu)

Monster: Bearded Devil (Barbazu)

Barbazus are lesser D&D devils with a disease-carrying beard and a vicious glaive. Simple, but quite cool.

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Alchemy: Elixir Index

Alchemy: Elixir Index

I've written up quite many potions and other elixirs for my Metatronic Alchemy system. It's going to be easier to find the required items with this index.

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Sorcery: Divination Spells

Sorcery: Divination Spells

Here's some divination spells from D&D/PF. Foretelling lets the caster make the right choice. Detect Scrying detects remote viewing. Detect Snares and Pits detects primitive traps. Stone Tell allows the caster to speak with stones.

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Sorcery: Blasting Spells IV

Sorcery: Blasting Spells IV

Last four blasting spells from D&D/PF. Ray of Frost is a freezing fatigue attack. Sound Burst is a deafening sonic attack. Wall of Fire conjures a wall of fire. Waves of Exhaustion deals fatigue damage in a cone.

Monday, 8 January 2018

Sorcery: Blasting Spells III

Sorcery: Blasting Spells III

Even more blasting spells from D&D/Pathfinder. Flame Strike is a pillar of fire that strikes from the sky. Flaming Sphere is a guided fire attack. Freezing Sphere is a cold attack that freezes waterborne creatures. Polar Ray is a cold ranged attack. Cold damage is underrepresented in GURPS.

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Sorcery: Blasting Spells II

Sorcery: Blasting Spells II

More blasting spells from D&D/Pathfinder. Chaos Hammer is a crushing projectile attack that slows the victims. Cone of Cold is a cold version of Burning Hands. Delayed Blast Fireball is an area blast with a set delay. Explosive Runes explode when read. Fire Trap makes an object explode when opened.

Saturday, 6 January 2018

Sorcery: Blasting Spells

Sorcery: Blasting Spells

D&D/Pathfinder, being heavily combat-focused systems, have many various damaging spells. While many of them already are represented in GURPS, some of them are not. Blade Barrier creates a disk of whirling force blades around the subject. Burning Hands fires a cone of flame. Call Lightning is an environmental overhead attack. Chain Lightning can strike multiple targets.

Friday, 5 January 2018

Sorcery: Necromantic Spells X

Sorcery: Necromantic Spells X

Even more necromantic spells from D&D/Pathfinder. Gentle Repose prevents rotting. Ghoul Touch paralyzes the victim and makes him smell bad. Halt Undead paralyzes undead for a short time. Hide from Undead makes the subject invisible to undead.

Thursday, 4 January 2018

Sorcery: Necromantic Spells IX

Sorcery: Necromantic Spells IX

Some more necromantic spells, converted from D&D/PF. Detect Undead detects undead. Disrupt Undead is a cheap spell that harms undead. Disrupting Weapon imbues a weapon with undead-harming qualities. Enervation is a combination of Clumsiness, Debility, and Frailty. False Life grants ablative DR.

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VIII

Sorcery: Necromantic Spells VIII

Necromantic spells, converted from D&D/Pathfinder. Antilife Shell makes an area repulsive to living creautres. Circle of Death kills multiple creatures. Cloudkill creates a cloud of deadly gas. Death Knell finishes off dying creatures. Death Ward protects the subject from death curses.

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Sorcery: Animal Spells V

Sorcery: Animal Spells V

Some more animal spells converted from D&D/Pathfinder. Awaken Animal permanently grants an animal sentience. Beast Shape lets the caster polymorph into an animal. Dominate Animal mentally enslaves an animal. Hide from Animals makes the subject invisible to animals.

Monday, 1 January 2018

Sorcery: Animal Spells IV

Sorcery: Animal Spells IV

Three D&D/PF animal spells. Animal Growth and Reduce Animal are slightly limited versions of Enlarge Other and Shrink Other, respectively. Animal Messenger is a very limited version of Lesser Geas.